LazyTown games

LazyTown games

If you will eat a lot of vegetables and fruit jam them, instead of lush muffins and sweets and prefer sports will be as strong man like Sportakus with airship. Meet with this person, you can wonder, if you play free online games LazyTown, which will tell you how important it is to obey the diet Sportakusa. And since no super hero can not do without an assistant, he has a girl Stephanie, who loves everything pink and notebook is a good event. Each plot develops the theme of sport, and that did not make the characters, they are always in motion, they paced along the paths of the garden LazyTown connecting points or playing pirates.

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LazyTown games Did you know that in the world there is a town that is home to some very lazy? The city even has a characteristic name — LazyTown. Free Games LazyTown allow plunge into the atmosphere of the town. But the atmosphere of these lazy bored very quickly to any sensible person, because the gameplay is built on the main character attempts to remake the town residents. Games LazyTown play primarily pathological lazy recommended that residents in the vibrant city will see a lot of their own vices.

The history of the game LazyTown

In general, free games LazyTown not arise by themselves, they served as the prototype for the popular Western TV series with the same name. There was this transmission in Iceland, liked the idea of ​​an American director and since then « LazyTown » It is considered to be the result of a fruitful international cooperation.

LazyTown games The plot of the series

plot plot based on the little girl Stephanie, which differ enviable optimism, and it is evident in all areas of interest of the girls. Once Stephanie decided on a trip to his uncle Milford good-natured — Mayor of the town of LazyTown. In the small town girl meets with children who were not even aware of the existence of exciting sports games. All the time they spend only a dream, computer games, watching TV and eating sweets. Naturally, this angered Stephanie order of things in the urban society, because it is trying to persuade the children to go out and show their activity by playing a variety of sports games. That's only in the city, there is one person who is against such a scenario, the name of the resident — Robbie Evil. Cunning deception, he makes kids go home and do their habitual idleness. Despair Stephanie knows no limits, because it failed to change anything. But suddenly in the eyes of the girl he slips a ray of hope: she learns that lives near the city of superhero with a sporty physique and he always comes to the aid of the people, when they find themselves in a dangerous situation. Stephanie wrote a letter to the superhero, but a random error mail delivers the message to another girl superhero — Sportakusu living on the airship. However, Sportakus do not hesitate to respond to a request to help the girls. Working in tandem, and Stephanie Sportakus inspire children to break away from the usual laziness and take the road of sports and healthy lifestyle. Here are just LazyTown games The evil Robbie tries in every way to prevent the heroes of the city and return to the familiar lazy life.

Characteristic LazyTown characters

In the series, there are three main characters and that they play live actors.

  1. Sportakus — He played by the creator of the idea of ​​LazyTown — Magnus Sheving. Sportakusa distinguished solely in good health. He is originally from the northern seas, and most of his life spent on the airship. Sportakus lover motivate people to a healthy lifestyle and sports. It encourages eating fruits and vegetables, because they have a lot of vitamins and substances beneficial to children's health. The hero visionary: he is ready to invent more and more new sports fun, just to keep the children's interest in sports. The hero does not waste a single minute of his free time in vain: he is constantly doing exercises or gymnastic exercises. On the chest of the hero is placed a crystal ball, flashing which means that someone – it is in trouble and in need of immediate assistance Sportakusa. Naturally, in such cases, without delay, the hero rushes to the aid of those in need. Another positive quality — This refers to the ability to afford a sufficient portion of self-criticism. A striking example: Sportakus does not consider himself a superhero, but only those who are a little more than usual hero. The only thing that is afraid of the hero — This pastry. If he did not have the luck, and it will eat anything sweet, it is for the long term will weaken and lose its strength. LazyTown games
  2. The role of Stephanie in the first two seasons performed Julianna Rose Mauriello, and the third season was replaced by Chloe Laing. Stephanie — is the main character in the series, who managed to inspire the inhabitants of LazyTown to reconsider their position in life, and lead an active life. Love Stephanie is not confined solely to the regular activity and the fight against laziness, except these two things it is still very much in love with the color pink, so much so that her pink not only clothes, but also hair. At first it was very difficult character in LazyTown, but eventually she was able to make new friends and girlfriends. A portion of the confidence it give to successful efforts to combat child laziness. That's just the noise of children playing in the street interferes constantly loving to slumber, Robbie catty.  
  3. The role played by the actor Robbie Evil Stefan Stefansson. All the while Robbie spends his lair under the ground, watching the scene on the streets of LazyTown through a special periscope. The character combines two qualities: a nice inventor and the laziest residents. Dream Robbie — is forever out of town and Stephanie Sportakusa, thereby stopping the noise on the streets constantly playing sports children.
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